Sunday, January 16, 2011

I Eat Meat

I was proud to be a vegetarian for 13 years. I felt like I was doing my small part to save animals, to save the planet and I felt enlightened. Until I got sick. Really sick. Part of getting healthy was a complete 180 degree change in the way I ate, the way I saw food in general, and the way I prepared food. I read the book "Nourishing Traditions", started drinking raw milk, using real butter and banned soy and all soy products.

And I started eating meat. And I started getting better. And I started truly enjoying meat.

This blog is going to be about eating and preparing meat and other nutrient dense foods. And not just any meat. Meat that has been raised locally, humanely, without hormones or antibiotics and with great reverence. I'll detail where the meat comes from and feature some of the local farmers that I know, providing information about their farms, their practices, and how hard they all work to provide food for their families and others. I'll also add in information about how I feed my dogs a species appropriate diet (raw meat).

And lastly, kudos to those living a vegetarian or a vegan. My opinions are by no means disrespecting anyone that chooses that lifestyle. It just didn't work for me.

With all that out of the way, read on....

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